Beefsteak Fungus

Fistulina hepatica

12th September 2014, Knole Park, Sevenoaks
Growing inside old stump. Bracket 10cm across. Scarlet pink with white underside. Very pink and pretty. Not sure if this really is Beefsteak Fungus but I can't find anything else similar. Happening to be growing next to a yellow fungal blob which was an interesting colour clash. Also, a few hundred yards away was another small red blobby thing. Could it be a very immature version of the the same thing? ID is best guess.

17th August 2014, Ladywell Fields
Growing on ash stump. 15cm across. Fungusy smell. Flesh fibrous and rubbery but easy to cut. Strong red on outside but yellowish on inside. ID is very likely. Spores 5.5-6µ x 4.5-5.5µ.

7th August 2013, Mill Wood, Gower in Wales
Growing on oak log. Unusual for Beefsteak to grow on dead wood.
